A CMHC logo floats over Lions View Commons with green grass and blue sky.

Hey Neighbour Collective to benefit from CMHC support

This grant will support work from March 1st 2021 through to June 30th 2022 with four of our five practice partners. Together we’ll be exploring social sustainability innovations for affordable multi-unit rental housing. In particular, we’ll be highlighting the role that landlords, property managers and policy-makers can play in the process of building community, social connectedness and resilience in multi-unit housing contexts.

Webinar thumbnail for COVID-19 Recovery and Preparing for Future Crises

Covid-19 recovery and preparing for future crises

COVID-19 has presented particular challenges to operators of multi-unit rental housing, from mounting financial pressures due to residents’ challenges in paying rent, to managing new health protocols and restricting use of common spaces, to increased concerns around mental well-being, food security and tenant conflicts.