Impact report: Living Together Symposium

Living Together: Connecting housing, social health and resilience was a two-day hybrid symposium of engaging presentations and dialogues about tackling loneliness and social isolation in our homes and communities.

Living Together: Connecting housing, social health and resilience was a two-day hybrid symposium of engaging presentations and dialogues about tackling loneliness and social isolation in our homes and communities. Held at the SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue and online between June 7 and 8, 2022, Living Together created space for a diverse gathering of housing professionals, municipal planners, public health professionals, architects, non-profits, funders, emergency management professionals, academics and students to learn from local and international experts and explore their roles in reshaping communities to support social connectedness and resilience.

“GREAT diversity of attendees from service providers to municipal bureaucrats – great discussions and opportunities for further connections.”

Symposium participant

Symposium objectives

  • Connect individuals and organizations across professions, advocacy areas and geographies to learn from each other and encourage collaboration to tackle social isolation and loneliness in our communities
  • Start mapping the relevant policy and practice interventions happening throughout British Columbia
  • Build upon recommendations made in Hey Neighbour Collective’s Metro 2050 discussion paper, specifically engaging stakeholders in workshopping the development of sociable design guidelines for multi-unit housing

“Great discourse around the work that’s being done around the world on this topic, as well as different ways to integrate, and then description of localized examples and ways to work around the building code and others.”

Symposium participant

Download the impact report
