Partner snapshot: Concert Properties

Concert Properties is focused on improving the lives of the people who live and work in Concert’s communities.

Founded in 1989, Concert Properties is an award-winning, Canadian-owned, real estate enterprise involved in developing assured rental housing, condominium homes and active aging communities. Concert has grown into acquiring and developing commercial , industrial and infrastructure projects, and property management across Canada. Mission: As a community builder, Concert creates places for residents and visitors to connect, build community and live healthy and purposeful lives.

Approach being tested

As part of a comprehensive company-wide approach to social sustainability, building on their experience in the City of Vancouver’s original Hey Neighbour Pilot Project, Concert has hired a dedicated Social Sustainability Coordinator. This Coordinator works with “Resident Ambassadors” to support and deliver design-informed social programming. Concert is adapting its approach to include small-scale and remote social activities focused on building social capital and improving the lives of the people who live and work in Concert’s communities.

Related details

» Vancouver
» 5 buildings total
» High-rise, low-rise
» 704 units
» Market rental
» Individual and families
