
Hey Neighbour Collective is opening up our web publishing platform to community contributors in 2024, and you’re invited. 💡 Here is some guidance for getting started. Let us know if you have any questions!

Style guide

  • Word count: 500-1000 words is great. But there is no limit on length.
  • Format: Submit your draft as a Google Doc if possible, for easier editing.
  • Clear and conversational: 🙂 Our audience is a mix of planners, public health professionals, policymakers, housing operators, community leaders, and residents in BC and beyond. Your article post will be shared on HNC & SFU Centre for Dialogue socials.
  • Unique to you: It’s 100% okay if the way you communicate is the way you are used to talking about things in your community. Not every article has to be all things to everyone.
  • Images: Encouraged! Ideally high-resolution. We’re happy to edit, crop, and compress your high resolution photo. You can send us your source file! 

Article contents

  • Title: Short and descriptive. We’re happy to write it for you if that’s helpful.
  • Subtitle: A one-sentence summary of your post. Something catchy. It can also elaborate on your title. We’re happy to write this as well if needed.
  • First paragraph: Frame your post here. What is the context? Why does it matter? 
  • Body: Please feel welcome to use short paragraphs; we’re not an academic publisher 😉 
  • Subheadings: Headings (or subheadings) are a bonus, and help make your articles readable and accessible (and searchable). Our headings are written in sentence-case.
  • Final paragraph: Don’t forget to drive your points home with some final words.
  • Links: Please feel welcome to include a few hyperlinks in the body of the post.
  • Embedded content: We’re happy to include video or audio from third party sources, like Youtube or Transistor.fm, etc, if it’s a good fit. 
  • Find out more: Key links you’d like readers to click on.

Article examples

Edits and suggestions

Once the draft is ready, we will work together with you to bring it to the finish line. We may have some edits and suggestions. We want to make you look good!