What is the role of planners in fostering pro-social communities?
A critical perspective in housing affordability and choices that are key to quality of life.
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A critical perspective in housing affordability and choices that are key to quality of life.
The role of community housing in resident social resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Canada is simultaneously experiencing a severe housing crisis and – like many other countries – a crisis of increasing loneliness and social isolation. Intervening to tackle loneliness and social isolation…
Drawing on a B.C.-wide survey of 1,004 residents conducted from March to April 2021, our recent study shows that unaffordability is only one type of housing vulnerability that has taken its toll on British Columbians during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Led by Dr. Meg Holden, the SFU Research Team has published an article on The Conversation Canada about the importance of prioritizing social connections during the COVID-19 recovery.
Panelists brought ideas, evidence and stories from their practice and research on what is at stake for the common humanity of our cities as we respond to and recover from the pandemic.