Building Resilient Neighbourhoods connect & prepare workshop.

Practice Guide #4: Roles for Local Government in Strengthening Social Connectedness and Resilience Activities in Multi-unit Housing

Fourth in a series of four guides from Hey Neighbour Collective about strategies and practices to increase neighbour-to-neighbour connections and social resilience among residents living in multi-unit housing.

A montage of photos showing neighbours doing interesting events, facilitated by landlords and owners.

Practice Guide #2: Landlord- and housing operator-led approaches to growing community in multi-unit housing

This guide explores many relatively easy things that residents, landlords, housing operators, community organizations, and governments can do to support residents in making activities and social connectedness happen.

Day two symposium workshop with facilitators and people working at their tables, and the report cover floating in the foreground.

Mainstreaming ‘sociable design’ for multi-unit housing: mapping the path forward

On June 8, 2022, we continued the conversation with a similar cross-section of engaged professionals in a half-day in-person workshop as part of the two-day symposium entitled Living Together: Connecting Housing, Social Wellbeing, and Resilience.

Mainstreaming socially connected affordable housing illustration with people interacting with each other in the city scape..

Mainstreaming socially connected, affordable multi-unit housing across British Columbia

On September 16, Hey Neighbour Collective and Happy Cities co-hosted an online workshop to explore cultural, financial, and policy-level challenges to building socially connected, affordable multi-unit housing communities. We were joined…