About us // Niloofar Hedayati

Niloofar Hedayati

Niloofar is a Research Assistant for the Hey Neighbour team, studying older adults’ social interactions in multi-unit housing. She recently moved to Canada from Iran to complete a second Master’s in Gerontology at Simon Fraser University. In Iran, she worked as a professional architect, interior designer, and designer and creator of urban art elements.

Her research interests lie at the intersection of the built environment, psychology, and health, with special emphasis on how these areas impact older adult populations. More specifically, she is interested in learning more about how the design of the built environment can impact people’s health, both mentally and physically. With this focus, she hopes to make a difference in the quality of people’s lives.

In her spare time, Niloofar enjoys walking, reading biographies, and learning about other people’s stories. She loves food, and especially trying other culture’s cuisine.