Alison Silgardo, MA
CEO of Seniors Services Society of BC

Alison has been working with seniors and their housing for over 14 years. Her experience spans three continents Asia, Europe and North America multiple sectors, Banking with Citi Bank in Risk Management in Zurich and with HSBC in Merchant Banking in India, Real Estate with Colliers, Olympia and York, Tonko Realty, Government with BC Housing and Non profit as the Director of Phoenix Society and as the CEO of Pacifica Treatment Centre (community based organizations).  

Alison’s work has included strategic planning and visioning to operations, knowledge exchange and training as well as evaluation, implementation and audit in these sectors.   Alison participates on a number of local and provincial level committees and groups with a focus on enhancement of system delivery.

Her mission in her role leading Seniors Services Society is to enhance the quality of daily life of low income senior renters by developing a blue print for their care, knowledge exchange and training and developing a framework for implementation of a system of care for this group of seniors. 

Alison’s enjoys volunteering and has served on the Boards of organizations like Dixon Society for women fleeing abuse and SHARE society.

Alison is passionate about volunteering and finds ways to give back whether it is teaching French to mature students who needed a subject for their GED, or English to her local retail store staff in Zurich or coaching leaders in her community or more formally sitting on Boards.  For fun she enjoys nature walks, old movies and photography.

Alison Silgardo, CEO, profile photo.