Building resilience and emergency preparedness through social connections: video

Workshop leaders and participants discuss how the Connect & Prepare program helps grow social connections between neighbours that support resilience and preparedness.

In an emergency, your neighbours will be the first people at the scene who can potentially help. This simple fact has borne out in research into acute emergencies—the more socially connected people are, the better their collective response and recovery is.

In this video, workshop leaders and participants discuss how intensifying climate events such as flooding, wildfires, and heatwaves set the stage for “Connect & Prepare.”

This innovative program from Building Resilient Neighbourhoods brings groups of neighbours together to simultaneously grow social connections supporting everyday resilience and prepare for acute emergencies when they may need to rely on each other. And Connect & Prepare is currently expanding to new locations, in collaborations between Hey Neighbour Collective partner non-profits and municipal governments.

Find and download the practice guides in this series. Find all five of the recent practice guides in our community of practice.

Practice Guide #3: Developing organizational partnerships to build community in multi-unit housing

Where there is a shortage of time or capacity for a single resident champion, housing operator, or community organization to take on full leadership, partnerships can be of enormous help in fostering social connections among residents in multi-unit housing. This guide puts the spotlight on creative, practical partnerships between municipal government departments, landlords, housing operators, and community-based organizations that are bringing residents together to help make buildings more inclusive, improve collective emergency preparedness, and enhance engagement with supportive service agencies. A simple table lays out what each category of partner can typically bring to the table, and what benefits each often gets in return.
