Benefits of community building for housing providers: video

Landlords and housing operators can help nurture relationships among residents, and the positive returns for everyone involved can be substantial.

The percentage of urban dwellers living in multi-unit housing is increasing—and that has generated growing interest in how to foster building-communities that are more vibrant and socially connected. From establishing communication platforms to making amenity spaces more accessible for group activities, there are many ways to help nurture positive relationships among residents. And the returns on these relatively small efforts can be substantial.

In this video, representatives from the non-profit and market rental housing industry involved with Hey Neighbour Collective talk about what they’ve been doing to help spark community. They also describe the benefits they’ve experienced from more socially connected residents, such as higher staff satisfaction, easier-to-manage buildings, and improved market advantage and brand equity.

Find and download the practice guides in this series. Find all five of the recent practice guides in our community of practice.

Practice Guide #2: Supporting residents to become community connectors in multi-unit housing

“Resident champions” or “social animators” can do a lot to help foster more vibrant, connected communities in multi-unit housing. The results are often a greater sense of belonging for everyone and more robust practices of spontaneous mutual aid, among other benefits. This guide discusses fun activities that residents can initiate, both “light-touch” and more involved, from lobby puzzles and doggy play-dates to emergency preparedness workshops. Also explored are many relatively easy things that landlords, housing operators, community organizations, and governments can do to support residents in making these kinds of activities happen.
